Sunday, December 14, 2014

Entry #11: Hasta La Vista, Baby!

Hello, Future Blogging Students,

Congratulations, you are in for a treat! Instead of writing additional essays, you get to write blog posts! Though you may not be excited about this at first, I assure you that this is not sarcasm. I wasn't immediately a fan of blogging, but if you take it seriously, you'll get to the point where you will not only appreciate it, but you will also appreciate the lessons it teaches you about rhetoric.

Here's some tips from a seasoned blogger, myself:

-Get started on your blog posts at the beginning of your first week and keep up to date with them as much as possible. We all get busy and have a hard time fitting things in during the week, but trust me, writing 4 blog posts in one day is neither practical or fun.

-Write down notes about your daily experiences that you may want to expand on for your blog entries. Time and time again, I tried to convince myself to do this, but I would also reassure myself that I would remember what I wanted to write about. I didn't. Save yourself the time and frustration and at least send yourself a text about it.

-Only write about things that can be connected to your audience. If you check out my blog you'll see a few posts that are all about "me, me, me," but I hope that you'll also notice where I switched to making it more relevant to my audience. Always remember your audience!

-Try to always be engaging and keep the reader interested by making your post visually appealing. Again, you can look through my blog for both ups and downs in this aspect. Include lots of pictures where appropriate.

-Get to know your classmates so you know who you should go to for help with your essays. You can find people with similar views and writing styles who may be able to provide some necesary feedback. Take advantage of this.

-Most importantly....

Happy Blogging!!!

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